A Comparison of Judaism and Christianity



G-d-centered, selfless

Man-centered, selfish

Bible (5 books of Moses) written by G-d, with Moses as secretary

New Testament written by man

G-d creates man in His image; thus man has a soul and free will

Man creates G-d in his image; thus Jesus is declared to be a deity

Bible (Hebrew Scriptures) quotes G-d directly, in His own words, over 3800 times

New Testament never quotes G-d a single time, other than quotes from the "Old Testament"

Man's purpose is to serve G-d through His Law—the commandments

G-d's purpose is to serve man by providing salvation—for free

G-d's commandments are binding obligations

G-d's Law is a nice idea, but it is only "fruits of the spirit," not a duty

Jews believe in the Bible because G-d said so (orally)

Christians believe in G-d because the Bible tells them to

Jews study the Bible only according to the oral tradition received from G-d

Christians interpret the Bible according to their own ideas and opinions

Jews believe in Moses because G-d gave him authority

Christians believe in Jesus because he gave himself authority

G-d controls evil, using it to punish sinners and for other purposes

The devil controls evil, using it to rebel against G-d

By doing G-d's commandments, man brings G-d closer

Christians wait until G-d brings Himself closer to man before agreeing to do any good works

Man follows G-d's commandments according to G-d's own detailed instructions, whether or not it makes sense to man

Man uses his own reasoning and interpretation to decide what are "good works" and what are not

Man transforms the world to reveal its Creator -- to bring G-d's eternal kingdom here on earth

Man leaves the world behind, escaping earth to enjoy heaven

G-d creates and runs the world to serve Him

Evil controls the world, which will ultimately be destroyed

Man has direct access to G-d through prayer and repentance; any mediator only gets in the way & blocks the relationship

Man has no access to G-d except through a man (Jesus)

Doing G-d's commandments is a privilege & opportunity that provides true freedom

G-d's law is a burden and a curse that enslaves and condemns man

G-d made eternal covenants—1 with Jews, 1 with gentiles—and He keeps His promises

G-d "changed His mind," throwing away the old covenant for a new one

This seems to have come – we can’t tell for sure – from Boruch (Bryan) Ellison writing on his JAHG-USA website, at noahide.com.  Downloaded January 21, 2013.

1. Some people are so protective of Divine names, and even titles, like “God” and “Lord,” that they don’t spell them out completely – in token of respect for them and for Him, and to foster a reverential mindset.

2. Judaism, besides being the religion of the Jews, is also the religion of certain Noahides or non-Jews – “descendants of Noah” in Bible-speak, or the vast majority of humankind - as opposed to the Jewish branch of the Noahide family, the “descendants of Jacob, or Israel.” (See Genesis 32:29: “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel.”)

People who practice the “Noahide faith” in modern times are non-Jews who follow Judaism.  That is, they generally subscribe to the same spiritual and religious convictions that define normative Judaism. They share the beliefs, in other words – that God is One, that He somehow communicated with certain people, “prophets,” that the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments and the Torah are true, etc.

Noahides, pursuant to the Torah, the Guidance, Way or Law of Israel, are not bound or “burdened” by Jewish Law. Noahides are not obligated to keep kosher, or to keep the Sabbath or the Jewish holidays, for instance. Noahides do, however, respect those laws.

The more studious and dedicated Noahides look to those laws and to the Torah generally - to Judaism, in other words - for moral and spiritual guidance.


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