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(No'achism, Noahism, Rainbow Covenantism, First Covenantism.....)

These words are just slightly different ways of applying labels to the profound ethical teachings and morality, faith and life-path from original covenant between God and man, the First Covenant, and the School of Noah and his son and grandson, Shem and Ever.

(In Hebrew, Noah is spoken as “No’ach,” with a guttural pronunciation of the last syllable, like the German “Ach!” or the Scottish “loch.”)

Every human being is a Noahide, in Biblical thought, since we are all descended from Noah and his family. They all experienced the great Revelation described in Genesis 9. This, along with God's Revelation to Adam and Eve, is the First Covenant - God's first covenant with our species.

Certain moral principles are inscribed in every person, we think. God puts us all on notice that every person is "made in the image of God," as the Bible teaches, but He also inscribes - we believe - what we call the Seven Universal Commandments.

The People of Israel’s scholars and rabbis have, consciously and deliberately, kept this ancient Tradition alive through the millennia, cherishing it as the root or core of ALL the “logical” laws of the Torah (the “Teaching,” “Guidance” or “Instruction”) and the Five Books of Moses – the first five books of the Bible and the Bible’s eternal beating heart.

The Bible’s “logical” laws all flow from the First Covenant. God tells us specifically, in the Bible, that He's put us all on notice with its universal revelation to our species’ legendary common ancestors, of the sacredness of each individual human being. We aren’t mere scuzz, animals or objects on the surface of some planet, in other words, but morally inviolable unique personalities, “made in the “image of God.”

The First Covenant's Commandments are indexed, in Torah thought, by the Seven Universal Laws (the Noahide Commandments of the First Covenant), such as “don’t murder,” “don’t steal,” etc.

What it's all about, what the Commandments are, and where they come from.

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