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is posted here, on the website.


November 2016 Vol. 11.1 Happy 5777! Post-Election Considerations (and the coming Millenium); Ivri (a name for Jews and non-Jews); "Incidentally" (a. government and the Noahide mitzvah of din and the different obligations of women and men; b. Scripture's ideal, sexually, and "gay liberation") ... and More
August 2016 Vol. 10.7 My Religion Is.... "Ivri is the name of "the man beyond the stupidity of society." Re: "My religion is Jewish even though I'm not Jewish," and ... More
July 2016 Vol. 10.6 Sharing the Power, including "Ferplutzing the System," "My Religion Is..." and More
February 2016 Vol. 10.5

Great Big Truths & Holy Legalese, including "Does God Disdain Gentiles?" "Gentiles Who Act Like Jews" from Tablet, the Online Magazine; and More

December 2015 Vol. 10.4 Ever Consider Coverting? The OU Rabbi and Rev. Jack Saunders; Cohen, Levite, Israelite, Noahite; Torah Commentaries by Jewish Chauvinists; Learning and Teaching Torah by Noahides; and More.
November 2015 Vol. 10.3

Torah Delights If Science is True; Abraham, Prince of HaShem: Soul Warping; Torah Delights (Loving Torah-learning, good teachers vs. false teachers, Noahide outreach "experts" versus 1st Cov, God's Sabbath: The human holiday),and More

October 2015 Vol. 10.2 My House: For All Peoples, "For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." Cosmic connections, and More
September 2015 Vol. 10.1 God Hides. What the Biblical Prophets, Psalmists, Etc., Teach Us of HaShem's Modus Operandi. Happy New Year 5776! Happy Sukkot! And More
August 2015 Vol. 9.11 Solving the Arab-Israeli Conflict, the 7M's "Spiritual Side, and More
July 2015 Vol. 9.10 You Ever Wonder...? Have You Ever Wondered...?[including If You Were God and Newton, Noahide]; Haskamah, Rabbinic Approbation for Rainbow Covenant"; and More
June 2015 Vol. 9.9 Ignorance or Hubris, or Both Kosher "Ritual" Slaughter, Circumcision, and the Land of Israel. Hubris and HaShem, and More
May 2015 Vol. 9.8 Progress, Law, and Continuing the Conversation on Male Homosex... More
April 2015 Vol. 9.7 The Noahide Covenant and Male Homosexual Conduct; a Response by Rabbi Michael Katz. More
March 2015 Vol. 9.6 Homosexuality (Again). Conversation with Rabbi Michael Katz. Distinguishing between "mere" sin - from the Hebrew for "missing the mark" - and genuine horrible 7M crimes. Nothing of the superstitious, taboo, or "accept based on the decree of alleged authority, regardless of logic and informed common sense" - in the 7M. More
February 2015 Vol. 9.5 Natural Sex Laws. Sex-Crime Categories. Heterosexual/Homosexual - that brief on homosexuality that we promised you. A long Covenant Connection and a heavy one. More
The Jews: Good or Bad? If the Jews don't stand for liberation, then - what? Autonomy, coercion and higher consciousness. Natural law and natural religion. What the nations need to outlaw, and More
December 2014 Vol. 9.3 End-of-Year Letter, 2014. What we've done, where we've been, where we mean to go in 2015, and More
November 2014 Vol. 9.2 Conscious Service. What's the Purpose of man? Question: How do we serve God? Answer: By trying. Conscious service is humble service. What are the rewards? Light and joy, gratitude, common sense, life and love and blessing. God is my Rock in Whom there is no wron, and more
October 2014 Vol. 9.1 "They Say It's a Sin," and more
September 2014 Vol. 8.4 "Even a Non-Jew," Blessing Requires... What is Israel? A Conscious Servant's Gladness and Full Heart, and More
August 2014 Vol. 8.3 Little Islands. "Little Islands." Cosmic Islands. Sir Isaac Newton. Cloe Vardary, "Letter From an Angry Black Woman," and More
July 2014 Vol. 8.2 "I Love..."/We Like.... "I Love." Like Sects? News Update (HQ pics). More
March 2014 Vol.8.1 Conscious Servant. Learning from Praying. Conscious Servants of the Ultimate. Conscious Servants of HaShem. More
December 2012 Vol.7.2 Ancient Egyptian Frog God. . .Something a little different, and More
October 2012 Vol. 7.1 First Contact: First Revelation - The Laws are Obvious; Incest; Cultural Prejudice? Why These Sins?
August 2012 Vol. 7.4 Freud Would Flip; Ferplutzing the Numbers; Crazy Numbers; The Counter-argument; Presbyterian Funeral; Communion
June 2012 Vol. 7.3Oy! Mail! More Mail!
May 2012 Vol. 7.2 The Spiritual Physics of Blessing; Astrology, Shavuot and Revelation - a Personal Aside
February 2012 Vol. 7.1 God is Not a Tyrant; The Torah Sages and the First Covenant

January 2011 Vol. 6.2 Ferplutzed Redux! - Headlines: Not Ten Commandments, Seven (so that's how you insult gentiles?) Bizarro World YouTube attack. . . Love, Love, Love. "Spiritual Jews" & Noahide saints. . . Ferplutzing the 7M & False Theologies. . . Imagining God - Islamic misconceptions, sophisticated abstract Ultimate Reality, the word/idea HaShem. . . getting humankind ready for redemption. . . and MORE...

November 2010 Vol. 6.1 Ferplutzed! - Get to know Larry the rabbi AND the holy greatness of the 7M, the Torah's Universal Law. Also, introducing new column, From the Office of the Priest, by S.Y. HaCohen - 2 current pieces on the sin of "rabbi-olatry" ("Rebbe-olatry"?). New website articles (Non-Jews Saving Jews WITH Judaism?). . . Join us on Facebook. . . . Read this issue...
June 2010 Vol. 5.2 Prophets Say the Darnedest Things - Appreciating Palestinianism. Odd plan for winning Divine blessing. History of savagery vs. God's Way. Nice When People Get It - First Covenant's wonderful members, Rainbow Covenant's wonderful readers; go to Community. . . Read this issue...

January 2010 Vol. 5.1 'Proto-Islam' Rocks! - The Religion of Mohammed - "We are getting good and sick of the religion of Mohammed." Koran Holy? The grim reality. Proto-Islam: the Seven Law System Revealed! Exploring authentic Islam: the Seven Laws, their simplicity, beauty and accessibility. . . government and taxes, can't have one without the other: civilization requires both. American Freedom: the Second Amendment (right to bear arms) protects the First Amendment, free speech and religion. . . . Read More...

June 2009 Vol. 4.3 The Counter-Revolution - Pita for Pesach, terrorists learn how to destroy Israel. Amalek, Israel, & the "Two-State Solution" - Amalek, the anti-Israel, bad but not all bad. A Viable Amalekite State? Revolution vs. Counter-Revolution - learn Torah by learning what Israel isn't. Past Issues follow-up - homophobic Torah? Gay ways in the Arab world. Decrees of Life - the first prayer of the day, Modeh Ani, and neurology. Upcoming Features; and More...
May 2009 Vol. 4.2 Gay Politics and Torah -  They call it "faith-based bigotry": You shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind, it is abomination (Leviticus);  lesbian vs. male homosexuality; ""gay" vs."morose"; what the Noahide Law requires and allows. Two by Rabbi Michael Katz: Should Noahides Wear a Tallis? and Reason, Authority, and Reincarnation. Also, Pro-Life, Pro-Choice: Recent Developments; Recession Economics - Buying Local; and More...
February 2009 Vol 4.1 The Great Recession - "Every man-made catastrophe has at its root some breach of the Noahide Law." Becoming Like Abraham. Election issues: abortion laws and political prospects, "gay marriage," Israel - The 21-State Solution, A Viable Muslim State. Jimmy Carter Redux. Mumbai, Hamas, and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Reviews (2): The Divine Code. Must Reading. Netherlands' Noahides' Letters, and More...

September 2008 Vol 3.5 Revolutionary Doctrine - Letter to the Philippines: can't "impose" righteousness; the innate appeal of the Law - every nation must determine the details of its own laws for itself. Revolutionary doctrine versus The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Online Classes *New*. Book review: Restoring Abrahamic Faith. "Pride Suppresses the Law: Abortion; the 40-Day Rule; Responses to Rape & Incest." The New Year and More...
July 2008 Vol 3.4

Saints and Sinners - exploring the sanity and wisdom of the Universal Torah, including history's most sensible and loving moral system. Obviousness the key to the Noahide Law. Regarding abortion and homosexuality; check out the "40-day rule." Torah, higher consciousness and, for example, "green funerals." New Articles, new links and More. . .

April 2008 Vol 3.3 Hot Slaves with Ham ("slaves of slaves"); Race and culture; Hot Kwame (Detroit's jive Mayor Kilpatrick); Hot Noahides (a black - African-American - synagogue in Chicago); Free speech; threads - science and Torah; museum morals; Noahide conference, Noahide books and More...
January 2008 Vol 3.2

El, God of Abraham Allah, Islam and God; Freud, 19th Century Atheism and Science; Agnosticism; Holocaust Atheism; Question Everything! Observant Noahides; Noahide Clergy; State of the Union - "Creepy Fantasy"; and More. . .


September 2007 Vol 3.1 Judgment Day (New Year 5768 - Volume 3) Sigmund Freud: monotheism "enriches the individual immeasurably." Noahide Rosh HaShana and Noahide Shabbot, by J & N Reynolds. Defining what God isn't. Anti-Circumcision Crusaders. U.S. Senator Larry Craig - responses, and video. Noahide Prayerbook Revisited. Choose Life! and More. . .
August 2007 Vol 2.12 Apocalypse Now   (Share the Truth and Save the Earth);  Son of Man, HASHEM and Allah;  Designer Genes - Evolution and Design;  Rosh HaShana, Birthday of the World;   A Tale of Time and Money,  by Andrea Chester;  Polygamy and Suicide Bombing;  More Hamas TV !;  Arab patriots' blog - Free Syria; and More. . .
July 2007 Vol 2.11 Peace and Apocalypse   Religious Service (what should Noahides do?); New Prayerbook; Soul of Fire revisted; Peace and Apocalypse (jihad and the new millenium; Sherwin Wine, the Holocaust and post-war atheism); Lion, Eagle and Scorpion, a fable, by Andrea Chester; Terrorism Awarness Project; Deuteronomy's inspired modern commentator; and More...
June 2007 Vol 2.10 Transcending Religion (Do you find society's "moral breakdown" troubling?) Symposium: What Do Noahides Do? To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate the Sabbath? Seven Candles. Isaiah 53: the Lord's "Suffering Servant". Riddle of the Exodus. Biblical "Statutes": Milk and Meat, and More...
May 2007 Vol 2.9 Jihad E. Coyote (Suicide bombing for. . . sex? Pierre Rehov reports.) Seven Candles: "Prayer, a Heart-shaped Mirror." Statutes: Kosher Birds. Moral Breakdown. Moderate Muslims. Bad Mouse. First Covenant Radio, and More...
April 2007 Vol 2.8 How to Get Rich. Noahide Metrics, Where are the Churches? Seven Candles, by Andrea, "Revolutionary Perspectives." The Bible's "Statutes": Kosher Animals. First Covenant Radio, and More...

March 2007 Vol 2,7


Divine Guidance. Vile Nation (Palestine and Israel), Seven Candles, by Andrea, "Uncharted Territory." The Bible's "Statutes": Food Laws. Prayer, and More...

February 2007 Vol 2,6

Pro Life, Pro Choice (Revelation & Modern Science on Abortion), Seven Candles, by Andrea M. Chester: "Bnai Noah Identity Crisis," Why We Exist, Tattoos and Kosher Food, Happy Purim! and More...

January 2007 Vol 2,5 Lynching Saddam - This month we saw the killing of Saddam Hussein. . . Other headlines: New Feature - Seven Candles, by Andrea Chester: Like Learning to Drive, Interfaith Dialogue, New Blog, New Articles, Radio and Video, Bless You and Keep You, More and More Subscribers, and More...

December 2006 Vol 2,4 What's the Jewish People's Secret? - According to best estimates, the United States now has more than 300 million people. Only about 1.34% of them are Jewish.... Other headlines: Commandments,Statutes, Circumcision; Gifts of the Muslims; Clustered Conferences; Nullifying the Bible; New Knicknack; Just Solutions; Don't Buy Iranian Lightbulbs; Jimmy Carter and Alan Dershowitz; On the Eighth Day He was Circumcised; Xmas with Irving Berlin, and More...
November 2006 Vol 2,3

Black Hebrews - A steamy July Sunday in New York City's Harlem. You can see the Apollo Beauty Supply shop, on Lenox Avenue near 125th Street, peeking out.... Other headlines: Not Noahides, James Tabor's Qumran Discovery, The Thirteenth Tribe, Kuzari ,Trilby and Svengali, Flicker of Sanity-New Road for Israel, Spiritual Israel, New Noahide Book, New Carter Book, Lagos Disaster, First Covenant News, Formal Titles, America & Israel (and flag pins), and More...

October 2006 Vol 2,2

Solomon's Prayer- What's God's Plan? Solomon explains plainly in a few words here... Other headlines: The Temple Mount in Ruins, Where Next?, Pray, Creator Who Feeds the World, The Hertz Edition, Love and Redemption, and More...

September 2006 Vol 2,1

Let's Sing - "Sing unto the Lord, all the earth," says the prophet Ezra. Pharaoh and Muslim suicide bombers worship a different Being than Ezra's "God of Israel." Other headlines: Prayer or Work the Key to Redemption?, Irreligious Israel, Covenant News, Vendyl Unconnected, Killing Infidels, Truth or Lies, Standing with Israel, Happy 5767 and More...

August 2006 Vol1,9

Praying for Monotheism - Israel prays for everyone to come to the realization that HaShem, the Lord, is God. The question is, what happens when people recognize HaShem? What's the next step? Also, other headlines: Isaiah's Suffering Servant, Biblical "Higher Criticism" (the "Documentary Hypothesis"), Unitarianism, End of Days, Pure Prayers and More...



July 2006 Vol1,8

Now Comes Amalek- If the Bible is true, God has friends and He also has enemies. His tender mercy goes to all His creatures, He provides us all with everything. Yet He blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel . . . . Don't miss the story of Dr. T.K. Lawless: Part of the Plan in Action, and More...

July 2006 Vol1,8.1

Supplement - Soul of Fire - [A more complete version of this article, from the June issue.] Life in this world deserves the full-time attention of the living. But the Torah reveals unexpected details about the immortality of the soul, of life after death. More...

June 2006 Vol1, 7

Suppose you're a Noahide. Suppose you come from the more than 99.75% of humanity that isn't Jewish. . . Soul of Fire (the Bible's incredibly sophisticated understanding of the animal and human soul, life and eternity, Heaven and God's purposes . . . Slandering the Bible, and More...


May 2006 Vol1, 6

Noah and 9/11. . . History and Torah. . . The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. . . More...

April 2006 Vol1, 5

Shalom! In this issue, a Dutch Noahide, Sefanja Severin, raises a crucial issue, and an assembly of rabbis in Jerusalem speaks about us and The Rainbow Covenant in the enclosed "Statement of Clarification.". . . More...



March 2006 Vol 1, 4

Shalom! February is now March and the month of Shevat turned into Adar (the month of the holiday of Purim) 5766. We expect to see the end of the winter and the beginning of spring and brighter, lighter days ahead. This is a great time of year, as the Talmud says (Ta'anit 29a), "When Adar comes we should increase joy." So, since learning is joy, let's get started. . . More...



Idolatry and the Noahide laws. . . Michael Dallen, Rabbi Michael Katz, Jack E. Saunders. . . Kaddish and God's Name. . . The Prophetic Prayerbook: Insight into the Future. . . New discoveries in science: genetics and the year 5766. This has been a busy month and we have much to tell you. . . More...



Hanukah and the new solar year!. . . January 1: commemorating Jesus' circumcision (his b'ris or b'rit) eight days after Dec. 25th " . . . Israel writes Xmas songs. . . Idolatry and avodah zorah. . . Rainbow of Promise, poetry by Dorothy LaQuey West. . . More...


Greetings! The First Covenant is the Rainbow Covenant, which is the Universal Covenant. . . this newsletter and our website have a new format, a new look and name. . . We are now the First Covenant Foundation. We hope you like this newsletter. More...

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Call to Me, and I will answer you,
and I will tell you great and hidden things
which you do not know
Jeremiah 33:3

To contact editor: m cd sk i@aol. com

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